Performance DP World

Ladies & Gentlemen


In order for the Stevedoring process to work Rocke Brothers transact the majority of our wharf deliveries/collections from 6.00pm to 6.00am.  Deliveries to customers are then effected by the same fleet during the working day.  This is the only way the system will function and deliveries made when requested by you our clients.

This means there is No capacity available for containers to be collected during the day.  For the past 3 weeks our evening vehicle turnaround at DP World has progressively deteriorated.  DP World's normal inefficiency was exasperated by the spate of hot weather when unlike their colleagues at Patricks  operations were closed down and have never really recovered.

This has a twofold effect on Rocke Brothers:

1.Our vehicles are retained at the wharf when they should be delivering.

2.Our service levels decline as we have not always collected the container from the stevedore.

Rocke's business practice in the past has been to take the good with the bad and only levy detention at the wharf in exceptional circumstances.


In times like we are currently experiencing however our service levels are being compromised and profitability adversely affected.  Through the medium of our industry association the VTA we are in constant contact with DP World seeking some resolution to their indifferent performance.  Unfortunately with the financial burden of their inefficiencies falling on the wharf carriers and not themselves  it has proven difficult to effect any change.


We can no longer afford to carry the burden of DP Worlds inefficiencies and will have to pass some of this cost onto our clients.  We request your understanding in what is a particularly difficult period for us and the industry in general.


We will keep you advised of developments.



Michael Rocke

Rocke Brothers

ph. 03 9314 6211

fax 03 3914 7040


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